Sunday, March 24, 2013

Thelma Lee Morrison Nielson Young

Thelma and her mother Rosie Irene Redmond Morrisonin Mississippi.

Irene and Thelma

                                                      Lee, Irene and Thelma Morrison

                                                                   Irene and Thelma

Thelma and her friends while living in Kenilworth, Utah

Irene Redmond

Thelma in her play pen

Thelma's birthday

Thelma on her bike

In Kenilworth Utah.

Thelma on the end

First Thelma 

Where John James Nielson and Thelma Lee Morrison was married
Preston, Idaho

Lee and Thelmas

First one Thelma

Thelma and her Mother Irene at the cemetery of  Lous Morrison.

Thelma's dog in Spring Glen Utah

At Rocky Mountain Care Center for Thelma and Jim's Anniversary
Around September 31, 2000